Speaking about the decision, S. That is the rule. Besides, vehicles plying on the first lane generally drive fast with a maximum speed limit of 80 kmph, while vehicles that are driven slowly are expected to take the second lane. The drive was launched on February 5 and till now over 15 violators have been fined.”The officer said this leads to other vehicles to decrease the speed or get stuck in slow traffic flow in the first lane, which defies the purpose of having the Expressway
digital flow meter Manufacturers to reach either city in minimum time.Slow moving vehicles are being fined Rs 200 for plying slowly on the first lane.
Mr Aspat added, “But we have observed that many vehicles going in slow speed obstruct traffic flow on the first lane of the 94 km-E-way. These drivers either talk on mobile while driving or they drive leisurely for fun and prefer to drive slow to enjoy the scenic beauty of Western Ghats. Many drivers or passengers go slow while listening to music. Violators will have to pay Rs 200 as fine,” he said.The drive on Mumbai-Pune E-way was launched on February 5 and so far, 15 violators have been fined. Aspat, senior police inspector, highway traffic police, said, “drivers of LMVs driving at maximum speed limit, that is 80kmph, should take the first lane and the one those want to drive slower than the maximum speed limit should take the second lane. Multi-axle vehicles ply on the third lane.“We want people to understand this. Padmanabhan.”Mr Aspat underlined that to drive slow is not a crime but to drive slowly obstructing traffic flow in the first lane is crime.K.”The move to fine slow driving is the latest measure in a slew of drives that was launched to smoothen traffic on the E-way in September 2016 by additional general director of police R.
As regular drivers have an idea that if they want to drive slowly till the limit of 0 to 40-50 kmph, they should take second lane leaving the first lane free for vehicles driving at the high speed limit, that is 80 kmph.P. Slow moving vehicles are being fined Rs 200 for plying slowly on the first lane. Or a few drive slowly for absolutely no reason.end-ofTags: mumbai-pune expressway, traffic policeLocation: India, Maharashtra, Mumbai (Bombay).Mumbai: In a bid to smoothen traffic flow on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway more effectively, the Highway Traffic Police has begun to impose fine on light motor vehicles (LMV) that are driven slowly and cause obstruction in the first lane of the E-way.[标签:标题] THE ASIAN AGE. Generally LMVs or four-wheelers are allowed to ply on the first and second lanes of the Expressway.